Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Power of the Word "CAN"

"You can do it!!!" Hopefully, you have been encouraged with that phrase sometime in your life. Can is a positive word. According to, can means "to have the ability, the power, and the skill to". Can is an empowering word. In the Presidential election in 2008, Barack Obama used the phrase "Yes We Can" as he campaigned around the country. This phrase empowered Americans as they voted for a change America's leadership. Just as Obama rallied America during the election, Paul rallied the church. In Philippians 4:13, Paul encouraged the church at Philippi and future Christians. Paul wrote: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It does not matter what the challenge ,the mountain or the hardship is. Remember that with Christ all things are possible and that you CAN do it.

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